Recently an owner called to inquire if Anti-Two-Block protection was required on a Pile Driving operation. The answer is No. The owner told their operator to remove it since it caused computer problems and parted the chain, allowing the Two-Block weight to fall and crash into the wedge socket. The operator did not want to continue operating without the Anti-Two-Block in place for fear of violating the Federal Code. The code states that there are exceptions to the Anti-Two-Block requirement.
The Exceptions are listed below and can be found in the following Federal OSHA New Crane Rule 1926.1416(d)(3)(ii)(C).
Anti-Two-Block Protection should not be used during the following operations:
· Dragline
· Clamshell (grapple)
· Magnet
· Drop-Ball
· Container Handling
· Concrete Bucket
· Marine operations that do not involve hoisting personnel
· Pile driving work.